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I dare ya



I dare ya



I dare ya

Online Reselling has changed my life! I was a 31 year old boy dreaming of freedom. A $3 Hummel figurine stared at me from a thrift store shelf. Bought and sold that sucker on Amazon and instantly doubled my money. I was hooked. The concept that I could buy and sell other people's junk to make money was simply too good of an opportunity to let die. Other people's unwanted stuff is a renewable resource. Over the past decade, I've sold multiple tens of thousands of peoples discarded goods and turned them into treasures. Treasures in the form of both financial and personal freedom. I'm able to travel and adventure more, sit on the couch with my pup more, spend more time with family and my homies, build and maintain healthy habits, fund my life and my retirement, purchase multiple vehicles, two houses, and live with peace of mind. After years of developing this humble side gig into a six figure generating business, I'm most grateful for the TIME it's freed up in my life.

My excitement from the perks of this magnificent "job" permeates everything I do. So, naturally, over the years many people have asked me how to get in on the reselling life. I've guided family and friends, all who knew absolutely nothing about selling on eBay or Amazon, to freeing up their budgets and time, and one of them hit $1 million dollars in sales in a single year in just his third year as a reseller. Whoa. 


I originally started this reselling youtube channel to help my pals who'd regularly ask me the "how to" of this business. It's been fun and fulfilling creating videos for those who are curious to dip their toes in. If you're an adventurer, treasure seeker of any kind, want or need to create more free time, or just desire a few extra dollars - I encourage you to dive in. Like all things, there's a bit of a learning curve, but it's truly an industry that anyone can learn, and dominate, in their spare time. 

Although unnecessary to get started, I've listed links below for materials that I use in running my reselling business on a daily basis. But I didn't start with these. Not a single box. No lights. No knowledge. I pillaged recycling bins to find free boxes and shipping materials. I used a run of the mill ink printer and manually cut shipping labels from home, before moving onto the thermal printer I use now. I bought shipping tape and wrapping paper from the dollar store. I used my phone to take listing pictures - I still do! Over time, as my business grew, I started upgrading my equipment. But I still keep an eye out for boxes on the curb and bubble wrap in recycling bins. Point being - don't be discouraged by all the things you see me or other resellers use and think you need that to start - you don't. This business is 'learn and figure it out as you go'. As I say that, a scale is one of the first things to invest in. Links Below :)

You'll need a scale right away. This is the scale I've used for over 7 years. 


Weighmax 90lb Digital Postal Scale


These are the shipping supplies I use every single day. You don't need a thermal printer to start though :)


Jarlink Clear Packing Tape

Amazon Basics 1.88" Tape Dispenser

31x22 Packing Paper Sheets

Rollo USB Shipping Label Thermal Printer

Rollo 4x6 Thermal Shipping Labels

InkJet Printer Labels (Recommended to start if you have a ink printer)


The following are my most commonly used shipping materials. I still prefer, and use, FREE boxes whenever I can. But I keep these boxes in stock for the times free boxes are in low supply. I ship 75%+ of everything I sell in poly mailers. The most common sizes I use are listed below. 


Small Shipping Boxes 7x5x5 

Medium Shipping Boxes 12x9x6


Poly Mailers 9x12  (I use these every day)                

Poly Mailers 10 x13 (I use these every day)          

Poly Mailers 14.5 x19

Poly Mailers 6x9

Poly Mailers 24 x24


Bubble Mailers 4x8

Bubble Mailers 6x10

Bubble Mailers 11x16


Paper Mailing Envelopes 6x9

Paper Mailing Envelopes 9x12


I use these items on occasion but not regularly. They're definitely good to have handy. 


Price Tag Remover - Scotty Peeler

Goo Gone


I use these lights for my eBay lighting setup. Don't overcomplicate this. I've been using these simple lights and setup for ten years. You should definitely get lights for your listing pictures sooner than later. 


Viltrox LED Lights

LED Light Clamps (I screw the lights into these. The clamps are wonderfully versatile)


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